i have been somewhat of a ghost around here lately, i know. the transition into the new year was a difficult and emotional one for our little family as we endured a significant loss. time stopped for awhile. everything became quiet and still as we took the time that we needed and allowed ourselves to grieve, wrapped up in a world away from here.
i have also been hard at work on a number of projects, keeping them mostly to myself during this time of solitude and repose. but i am happy to announce that BIG changes are coming to this ever-evolving space as part of a larger re-branding project. i feel good about where it's headed; where i'm headed. it feels much more 'me.'
here is a little peek.
until it is time,
p.s. Jane's thoughtful post came at the perfect time for me as i was wrestling with my own emotional terrain and when and how to return to this space in a way that felt right, that felt honest. hopefully you will find something in it, or take something out of it, too.